Duck and Goose

We’ve sourced a whole bunch of lovely vintage duck and goose illustrations from the public domain for you! Most of these are from old books and are lithographs hand colored with watercolor, or chromographs. These were the most common ways to reproduce illustrations in the 19th and 20th centuries and the results are just beautiful. What you’ll find here are mainly by biologists or ornithologist, so the level of detail is simply wonderful. We hope you enjoy the gallery!

Quack! Vintage Duck and Goose Illustrations

We’ve sourced a whole bunch of lovely vintage duck and goose illustrations from the public domain for you! Most of these are from old books and are lithographs hand colored with watercolor, or chromographs. These were the most common ways to reproduce illustrations in the 19th and 20th centuries and the results are just beautiful. What you’ll find here are mainly by biologists or ornithologist, so the level of detail is simply wonderful. We hope you enjoy the gallery!

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