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Find the answer in the FAQs below:

What Is the Public Domain?

Public domain works are not restricted by copyright. Works become public domain after copyrights expire.

Copyrights expire after a designated period of time after the creation of the work and death of the creator.

A creator can also put their own work and materials into the public domain, waiving their copyrights.

Are the Images on This Site from the Public Domain?

This site follows current copyright rules for public domain illustrations (see terms for more). The main header graphic and all written content are ©FreeVintageillustrations.com.

Additional copyright research and advisement is always recommended for commercial work. While copyright research is performed, I only curate images and can’t provide a guarantee. Each post provides source information. You can also visit the archives to find sourcing information for all the images on this site. 

Where Do Your Images Come From?

Public domain collections from libraries, and my own collection of old books, vintage postcards, antique trading cards, vintage scrap paper, and vintage advertisements.

When curating from libraries, I also include library sources and/or information on how to find the original images.

Do I Need Permission to Use Your Images?

You’re free to download, share, use, and modify the images on this site without permission. Please share and give Free Vintage illustrations a thumbs up on Facebook. Spreading the word allows this site to grow, so I can bring you more free images from the public domain.

How Many Images Can I Download?

You have unlimited use of the images on this site!

How Do I Download?

Click on an image you like to bring up its full size. Right-click on the image and choose ‘save as’ to save to your computer or device. 

Image Sizes

The image sizes on FreeVintageillustrations.com vary. To make sure you’re downloading the largest size available, you can open the image in a new window. I include source links for images curated from libraries and databases that may have even higher resolutions available. Please subscribe to stay updated on any changes in the future!

How Can I Support Your Site?

You can support FreeVintageillustrations.com by sharing on social media and with a thumbs up on Facebook and Instagram.

Have a question you can’t find in the FAQ? Fill out the contact form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 

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